What decade will humanity establish the first permanent colony on the Moon?
Between now and 2030
2030 - 2040
2040 - 2050
2050 - 2060
2060 - 2070
After 2070

The age old question of when humanity might be able to establish a permanent presence on another celestial body other than Earth. The moon has long been considered a potential staging point for the colonization of the rest of the solar system (and by extension, the rest of the galaxy).

Many good reasons for why we should aim for the moon first, and humanity did succeed in visiting it during the 20th century. But when exactly do you think we will succeed in establish a permanent presence on it?

Is categorized by decade, and will resolve on the decade in which it happens. Else it will close at the beginning of 2070 if we don't establish a permanent lunar colony by then.

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