After 6 months without open warfare, who will be in control of Gaza?
International Peacekeeping Force
Arab only Peacekeeping Force

An International Peacekeeping force includes troops from the West and some other geopolitical area - eg China, Middle East or Africa.

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I have no idea how Hamas has 21%

@ezra290 fix it then:)

@ezra290 they have been in control for over 15 years and are still now? I'd say 21% is low


How do you call the option where Hamas is nominally disbanded, but most of their people are still alive, and 6 months after warfare they rebranded into a "new" organization under a different name? Israel could claim victory that way, without having to actually kill enough Hamas people to truly destroy them, which would probably require a long and bloody occupation of Gaza. Does this fall under the "Hamas" option?

International peacekeeping force, Arab only peacekeeping force, and African peacekeeping force are not mutually exclusive. What will happen at resolution?

What does "control of Gaza" mean?

@xyz Yeah, what happens if Gaza becomes Area B? Resolves to 50/50 Israel and PA?

Netanyahu: Israel will have “overall security responsibility” for Gaza for “indefinite period” after war ends

Very good market!

I am refunding those who bought PLA shares

This market looks really interesting but I can't confidently interpret the grammar of the title

@Tumbles I'm pretty happy with it meaning something like "Who will be the next peacetime government of Gaza" where "peacetime" doesn't have to mean official peace, just the absence of "open warfare".

@Tumbles I take it to mean “conditional on there being 6 months without open warfare, who will control Gaza afterwards”? Referring obviously to the first six months without open warfare. Though the meaning of “open warfare” should be made more precise: to what extent do sporadic attacks count?